About Charlie

Welcome to First-Sentence Perspective, where our mission is to explore and establish scripture's horizon, reflecting heaven's will into the earth. We do this by viewing it through the lens of the first four words of Scripture's first sentence.

In this endeavor, I am accompanied by my treasured and wise partner, Anita, my wife, who has been my steadfast companion throughout life's journey. Together, we strive to leave the world a better place by respecting God's priority of authority and revealing to others the same path.

As an aerospace engineer, I have soared through the skies, designing and piloting airplanes, marveling at the wonders of human ingenuity and the vastness of God's creation. But beyond the boundaries of the physical world, my heart finds solace in the belief in Jesus, the son of God, whose redemption and reconciliation have touched my life in profound ways.

My life's calling revolves around discipling and teaching others – guiding them towards spiritual growth and revelation. As an ordained minister, I have served the community of faith in many capacities including the privilege of serving as elder in various congregations, witnessing the transformative power of truth and faith in the lives of a great many individuals.

Beyond my role as an engineer and minister, I have embraced the role of a licensed contractor, bridging the gap between creativity and practicality. My involvement in county government has given me the opportunity to champion education for contractors, ensuring they meet license requirements while encuraging them to better serve their clients as those made in the image of God. Design and accessibility are more than just buzzwords – they are essential aspects of creating spaces that nurture and restore dignity and wholeness.

But my journey doesn't stop there. I believe in the power of second chances, of finding hope even in the darkest of places. Through prison ministry, I have witnessed the profound impact of grace and compassion on those seeking redemption and healing.

My own pursuit of Biblical and Related Studies at the graduate level, coupled with extended personal study, has allowed me to dive deep into the sacred texts, uncovering hidden treasures of timeless wisdom. Now, at First-Sentence Perspective, I am thrilled to share these insights and understandings with you, to equip, encourage and empower you to engage life's journey, tethered to the profound words, "In the beginning God...".

Our purpose here goes beyond mere exploration; it is a sacred quest to uncover the essence of divine truth and bring it to light. By focusing on the first four words of Scripture's first sentence, we find the foundational principles that guide us towards aligning with heaven's will and creating a world that mirrors its grace and wisdom.

At First-Sentence Perspective, I aim to weave together the tapestry of literature, faith, and personal experience. This platform is not just about words on a page; it's about nurturing a community of curious minds, open hearts, and passionate souls. Together, we will explore the profound beauty of God, the timeless wisdom of scripture, and the call on human existence.

Through engaging Scripture, Hebraic cultural insights, and meaningful discussions, we will journey together, seeking to embrace the essence of a Biblical Worldview and faith. Let us discover the power of words and the profound impact they can have on our lives when viewed through the lens of divine revelation.

Join Anita and me as we embark on this transformative expedition through the realms of scripture, literature, and life's experiences. At First-Sentence Perspective, our hearts are open, our minds are eager, and our spirits are aligned with the desire to walk a path of purpose, leaving behind a legacy of wisdom and love for generations to come. Welcome to this sacred space of discovery and inspiration.