Messy Christmas: Stepping into God’s Story

Messy Christmas: Stepping into God’s Story

The Christmas story is often polished into sentimentality: twinkling lights, cozy gatherings, and a sweet nativity scene. Yet the original story—the one we encounter in Scripture—is anything but tidy. It’s messy, unsettling, and profoundly transformative. And it invites us into God’s ongoing work of redemption, not just as observers but as participants.

Consider Mary's story.

To understand Mary’s “yes” to God, we must go back to the beginning—“In the beginning, God…” (Ge 1:1). This First-Sentence Perspective anchors us in the truth that God is the originator of all creation, the author of its story, and the one who shepherds it through human brokenness toward His eternal purpose.

The Messiness of Creation

In Genesis, God creates order out of disorder, speaking light into darkness and naming creation into its purpose. He establishes humanity as His image-bearers in Eden, a place designed for intimate fellowship between God and His creation. But that fellowship was fractured by what I call the Great Fruit Fiasco.

When humanity chose self-reliance over trust in God, everything broke: creation, relationships, and humanity's role as priests of creation. Yet even then, God spoke a promise: the seed of a woman would crush the serpent’s head (Genesis 3:15). This promise—the promise of a virgin birth—was set in motion immediately after the fall.

God didn’t abandon His creation; He began the messy work of redemption, unfolding through generations of flawed and seemingly insignificant people. This brings us to Mary, a young girl in a small town, about to be swept into the heart of God’s story.

A Messy Encounter with God

Luke 1:26-38 recounts Mary’s encounter with the angel Gabriel. The details might be familiar, but let’s pause to consider them in their original cultural and personal context:

Societal Pressures

Mary lived in Nazareth, a town of little repute. She was young, likely in her early teens, engaged to Joseph, and living under the weight of societal expectations. An unplanned pregnancy would mark her with scandal, threatening her reputation, relationships, and even her safety.

Personal Turmoil

Gabriel’s announcement was awe-inspiring, yet it upended Mary’s life. How could she, a virgin, bear a child? How would Joseph react? The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty and sacrifice.

When Gabriel declared, “The Lord is with you,” Mary was “deeply troubled” (Luke 1:28-29). This wasn’t a Hallmark moment. It was a holy disruption, an invitation to participate in God’s redemptive plan despite the chaos it would bring to her ordered life.

Saying Yes to the Mess

Mary’s response to Gabriel is one of the most profound acts of faith in Scripture: 

“See, I am the Lord’s servant… May it happen to me as you have said” (Luke 1:38). 

In that moment, Mary stepped into God’s messy, unfolding story. Her “yes” was not a passive acceptance but an active trust in God’s power to fulfill His promises—even when those promises turned her world upside down.

God’s creative power was at work again, overshadowing Mary to bring forth life and light through her. Just as in the beginning, God was naming and ordaining His purposes, continuing His redemptive work through the messiness of human circumstances.

The Invitation to Join the Story

Mary’s story is not just her own; it’s part of the larger narrative of God’s work in creation. And it’s an invitation to us. Like Mary, we are called to step into God’s story, often in ways that disrupt our comfort and challenge our understanding.

Messy Faith

Walking with God rarely leads to a neatly ordered life. It may mean stepping out in faith, facing societal rejection, or surrendering control. But in the mess, God’s purposes unfold, just as they did in Mary’s life.

Messy Redemption

The birth of Christ is part of God’s messy redemption story—a story that began in Eden and culminates in the new creation, where God will dwell with His people once again (Revelation 21:3). This messy Christmas story reminds us that God’s plan is not about our comfort but His glory and His desire to reconcile all creation to Himself.

The Redemption Story

The grand narrative of redemption is the story of all Scripture, rooted in the eternal purposes of the Creator. It unfolds in four key movements: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. Each point reflects the wisdom and glory of God, showing that everything begins and ends with Him.

From God and for His Purpose (Creation) 

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). These words announce the foundation of everything that exists. God, as Creator and Author, designed all things with purpose, beauty, and harmony. Humanity, made in His image, was to reflect His glory by ruling over creation as stewards and priests, cultivating the earth into a dwelling place fit for His presence. This divine plan gave life its meaning: to know, worship, and serve God in intimate fellowship.

The Tragedy of Rebellion (a.k.a. The Fall) 

Something went terribly wrong. The rebellion in Eden, sparked by the serpent’s deceitful promise of independence and self-sufficiency, shattered the harmony between humanity and God. The allure of "being like God" apart from Him seemed within reach, just a bite away. Yet, that act of defiance introduced death, shame, and alienation into the human story (Genesis 3). The partnership humanity was meant to share with God was marred, and creation itself was subjected to futility. But God, even in judgment, declared a promise.

The Promise of Redemption (The Solution) 

In the midst of the curse, there was hope. God pronounced judgment on the serpent: "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel" (Genesis 3:15). This proto-evangelium ("good news" or "gospel") foretold a Redeemer who would come through a woman, undoing the serpent's work. This Redeemer, later revealed as Jesus, was uniquely born of a virgin—fulfilling the promise of deliverance without the aid of man. The messy circumstances of Mary’s life reflect the messiness of human history, but they also highlight God's ability to redeem and restore. Jesus’ life was marked by obedience, His death by sacrifice, and His resurrection by triumph over sin and death. His victory reopened the way for humanity to fulfill its original calling.

Restoration - the Goal of Redemption 

The story doesn’t end with individual salvation; it leads to the restoration of all things. Jesus not only saves us from sin but also reestablishes the original purpose for which we were created: to make the earth a dwelling place for God and to be suitable co-dwellers with Him. This is the hope of the new heavens and new earth, where God will dwell with His people forever (Revelation 21:3). Redemption is not merely about going to heaven; it’s about heaven and earth being united in perfect harmony, as God intended from the beginning.

The messy Christmas story of Mary leans heavily on the third movement, redemption, as she bore the Savior of the world amidst scandal and uncertainty. Her faith and obedience mirrored the divine purpose in the midst of human brokenness. But this point is not the end; it leads to the fourth, where God’s original intent for creation—His dwelling among His people—is fulfilled. Through Jesus, the promise of Genesis 3:15 finds its ultimate expression, and the story of redemption concludes with the eternal reign of God in a renewed creation.

Messy Obedience

Mary’s “Yes” required humility and trust, which then brought her into the greatest story ever told. Our obedience, though messy and imperfect, is an opportunity to participate in God’s redemptive work in the world.

Reflecting on the Mess of Christmas

As you ponder the birth of Jesus this year, resist the temptation to tidy up the story. Let the messiness of Mary’s circumstances remind you that God’s work often unfolds in the chaos of life. Consider:

  • What is God asking you to say “yes” to, even if it disrupts your plans? 

  • How can you trust Him to bring order and purpose out of your mess? 

  • Where do you see His redemptive work in the midst of your messy struggles? 

God’s Story Continues

Christmas is not about sentimentality; it’s about God’s intervention in history to bring His creation back to Himself. From the first sentence—“In the beginning, God…”—to the angel’s announcement to Mary, God has been writing a story of redemption. And He invites each of us to step into it.

Mary’s story shows us that saying “yes” to God is rarely easy, but it is always worth it. Her faith reminds us that the mess of life is where God does some of His most extraordinary work. This Christmas, may we find the courage to embrace the mess and trust in the God who orders and redeems all things. His Name is Emmanuel — God with us.