Where am I going, and what am I trying to do?
Charting a Course: Where Our Journey Begins
I have been making the case for exploring and establishing scripture's horizon to reflect heaven's will into the earth by viewing it through the first four words of its first sentence, "In the beginning God..." This is a First-Sentence Perspective.
This is a call to focus on God Himself as the purpose for all that is revealed in Scripture. The captivating stories and ideas of Scripture can easily distract us and break the tether to the self-revelation of God and His intent. But by anchoring each word, phrase, and thought to the revelation of God, we navigate theological waters with clarity and purpose.
Beyond the Captivating Stories: Finding God in Every Word
By neglecting God's centrality to each word, phrase, and thought, we can easily veer off into theological recesses and divisions that obscure and confuse rather than clarify our faith. To minimize this distraction, I have found it useful to intentionally tie each word and thought, not to my understanding, comfort, or desire, but to further the revelation of God and my drawing nearer to Him in that revelation.
“Whatever it is, the way you tell your story Beyond the captivating stories: Finding God in every word.”
Throughout this blog, we've delved into the foundational truths God shared as He introduced Himself to Israel. From their liberation to their encounter with God at Mt. Sinai, every moment was infused with significance. They had seen His mighty works in the plague war against Egypt's gods. They saw Him as a fiery cloud. They saw His rod split the Red Sea. And yet, they lacked the clarity of the book of Genesis, the starting point of their story. Recognizing this, God led them back to the beginning to reveal who they were, their purpose, and, most importantly, who He was.
Back to the Beginning: Why God Led Israel to Genesis
Though aware of the promises to their distant Father Abraham, they only had the myths of surrounding nations to explain their existence; there was no book of Genesis for them to read yet. They did not know clearly and truthfully the starting point of their story. God felt it was necessary to take them back to the very beginning of everything to help them understand who they were, what their purpose was, and, most importantly, who this God was who had rescued them. He needed to put their current experience into perspective, and He did so by having Moses write this first important book of the Biblical texts.
If one reads the Bible closely, it can be seen that this book is the foundation for all other scriptures. It was the foundation of life that Israel needed to understand its purpose and experience. As people of faith, we might understand the apologetic underpinning, particularly, of the creation account; however, its veracity regarding the events of creation is more than factual details to be argued and proof-texted. They are pivotal for the establishment and understanding of all that we believe, why we believe what we believe, and why what we believe matters.
“ Instead of our usual cursory reading, let’s embark on a journey together, unearthing hidden gems of wisdom.”
Genesis isn't just a historical account; it's the bedrock upon which all Scripture stands. Its truths echo throughout the Bible, from the Old Testament writings to the New Testament canon. Every author, every word, is intertwined with the narrative of creation, establishing continuity with the advent of Christ and the unfolding plan of salvation.
Without this foundation flowing from the first words, "In the beginning God..." we are left unsupported as we navigate our way through all of scripture. Every single one of the fifteen or sixteen authors of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament refers back to the historicity in Genesis 1–11, establishing continuity with the advent of Christ, Israel's Messiah, and the Savior of the entire world.
Every Word Intertwined: Genesis and the Story of Salvation
Widening the scope to the entire book of Genesis yields more than 100 references from this small body of literature. To state this another way, Genesis was important to the New Testament authors; every author of the New Testament accepted the historical accuracy of what was presented there and believed it to be the basis from which the truth of Jesus was derived. Just as Israel needed the revelation of Genesis to explain their desert journey to the promised land, so do those who had just experienced the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus to interpret their experience in the eternal purpose and plan of God.
Echoes Through Time: Genesis' Impact on the New Testament
In all of Scripture, there are over 75 references easily traceable back to Genesis 1:1 alone. All of the Bible we possess accepts, endorses, and builds on the pivotal information of these formative chapters and the Genesis account in general.
My point in this blog will not be to argue the veracity of the creation account but to reveal some insights we often gloss over as we focus on those details alone. By doing so, my intent is that your faith and obedience are increased because they are attached to this primitive and enduring foundation. Although the Genesis account is accurate in every detail it presents, we should be careful not to limit it to its scientific content. Rather, we should explore the revelation of the nature and purposes of God.
Building on the Foundation: Authors United in Faith
I believe that increasing and restoring our understanding of this book, as well as other Old and New Testament writings in light of this book, will enhance the accuracy of our understanding and application of the content of all of Scripture. The books of the New Testament canon were never meant to stand in isolation from the ancient writings upon which they depended for their wisdom, understanding, and revelation of Jesus.
By wisdom a house is built,
And by understanding it is established;
And by knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches.
Proverbs 24:3-4...that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Colossians 2:2-3
Unlocking Hidden Treasures: Unveiling the Power of Genesis
When the apostles and earliest Christians preached to their Jewish audience, they relied on the foundation of the Jewish Scriptures, emphasizing their history and the promises made through Abraham, the prophet Joel, and King David, as seen in Acts 2:14–41 and 7:2–14.
However, when they preached to Gentiles who lacked familiarity with these Scriptures, they turned to the creation narrative as a basis for their preaching and the proclamation of the gospel, as indicated in Acts 14:15–17 and 17:24–31. They viewed creation and the lineage of all people from Adam as historical events (Acts 17:26–29), using them as a starting point to convey the gospel message. This highlights the New Testament authors' acceptance and utilization of the Old Testament, particularly the book of Genesis, in their teachings to both Jewish and Gentile audiences; it was their basis for the proclamation of the gospel.
“Our exploration won’t end with Genesis alone. By understanding its teachings, we enrich our comprehension of the entire Bible.”
Our exploration won't end with Genesis alone. By understanding and applying its teachings, we enrich our comprehension of the entire Bible. The wisdom and understanding gleaned from these ancient writings enhance our faith and deepen our relationship with God.
Beyond Cursory Reading: Embarking on a Treasure Hunt
Instead of our usual cursory reading of these complex texts, let's embark on a journey together, combing through seemingly insignificant details like precious treasure hunters. I aim to guide you in unearthing the hidden gems of wisdom not easily discovered. I have been hanging in Genesis for a while to reveal how much we gloss over that which fills up what we believe and love. These nuggets, when discovered, open the texts from Genesis to Revelation in ways you may never have imagined.
Unearthing Gems: Discovering Wisdom in Ancient Texts
I am challenging you to commit to diving deeper into Scripture, uncovering the hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Please read, comment, and share these insights with others, spreading the light of God's revelation. Above all, please pray that this journey leads us closer to the heart of God and that what I write and learn may truly reflect His voice.
Spreading the Light: Sharing Insights and Inspiring Faith
Continue with me in this pursuit of understanding as we embark on a journey through the timeless truths of Scripture. Together, let's encounter the living God and allow His Word to transform our lives.
It's About Time
I want you to meet our God. He is revealing Himself. That's the focus of a First-Sentence Perspective. I hope I have whet your appetite to continue with me next time to discover a few things about Time revealed in this first chapter of Genesis. It may be something you haven't encountered before, but it will tell us a lot about how God operates.